
Happy Birthday Juliano

My beloved Juliano is 18 today. Time flies so fast, I can't believe we have already spent 9 years together. Over these years he has brought so much into my life, amazing people, inspiration, oportunities - it'sbecause of him I'm where I'm now. He's a horse that puts a smile on my face everyday but also tested my will and patience so many times in the past.  He has toughed me so much - how to be patient, have dreams and never give up. If someone told me 9 years ago that I would be riding Juliano bitless into the woods and not worry about my safety I would have loughed in their face. It turns out everything can be done, even situations that seem absolutely without solution at first have positive outcome. All it takes is a bit of courage, persistance and patience.
I hope we will spend another 9 years together and another 9 years after that - I will annoy the heck out of him and he will continue putting a smile on my face :)

Happy Birthday Juliano!

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